Meet Our Team

Sarah Baker, MS CCC-SLP

Christina McDougall, MA CCC-SLP

Nina Reed, M.S. CCC-SLP

We walked into Baker Speech Clinic in 2014, overwhelmed, frustrated and unsure of what the future held for our son.
When we started therapy, Jackson was 2.5 years old. He was showing signs of frustration and aggression because he could not communicate. The only words he said consistently were no and mama.
In January 2015, Sarah diagnosed Jackson with Childhood Apraxia of Speech. There was no reason for us to search for an Apraxia expert for our son, because Sarah is considered the best of the best in our community.
Sarah helped my son find his voice and gave our family hope.
Jackson is now 8 years old and he never stops talking!
The Apraxia journey is a roller coaster ride. There are many ups and downs and twists and turns. There is joy and pain; hope and fear, tears and laughter. It’s exhausting and exhilarating (all at the same time).
The therapists at Baker Speech Clinic have stood by our family through every high and low. They are more than therapists; they are family.

Jennifer LinckParent